CRM Specific Information on User Sync

Here, we explain how specific CRM integrations with our User Sync feature differ in how they work.


By default, our Mailchimp integration uses List for segmentation. However, if you want to use Tags, add the code below to your active theme’s functions.php file or implement the code via the code snippet plugin.

add_filter('fusewp_sync_mailchimp_is_tag_segmentation', '__return_true');

Taking the screenshot below as an example, when a user purchases a subscription product and their subscription becomes active, their profile in “Active Members” Mailchimp audience will be assigned the “active” tag. If their subscription is canceled, the “active” tag will be removed, and the tag specified in the Cancelled destination will be assigned.


Our user sync feature uses email lists or audiences for segmentation, but ConvertKit doesn’t have a List feature.

Our ConvertKit integration uses tags for segmentation such that when a user is supposed to move from one segment to another, their previous tags are removed before they are assigned the actual tags.

For example, in the screenshot below that connects the ProfilePress membership plugin to ConvertKit, when a user’s subscription to the Agency plan becomes active, they are assigned the “Active” tag. The “Active” tag is removed when their subscription is canceled, and the “Cancelled” tag is assigned to them.

Connect WordPress (ProfilePress) to ConvertKit

ZohoCRM, Drip, and HighLevel

Similar to ConvertKit, Zoho CRM, Drip, and HighLevel use tags for segmentation. When a user is supposed to move from one segment to another, their previous tags are removed before they are assigned the actual tags.

For example, in the screenshot below that connects the Easy Digital Downloads plugin to Zoho CRM, when a user subscription to the Gold Level product becomes Active, they are assigned the tag “magento”. The tag is removed when their subscription is canceled, and consequently, the tag specified in the “Cancelled” destination section is assigned to them.

Easy Digital Downloads to Zoho CRM integration

Flodesk, Omnisend & Mailjet

When users change their account email in WordPress – from the profile page or the My Account and edit profile pages of supported WordPress membership plugins – FuseWP automatically updates their email in your email marketing software and CRM, too. Sadly, Flodesk, Mailjet, and Omnisend API don’t support updating a subscriber’s email address.

We are closely monitoring Flodesk and Omnisend’s progress and will support it once they add the required feature.

Omnisend Tag Limitation

Omnisend API does not support removing tags from contacts, which is why we use custom properties for segmentation.

For example, in the screenshot below, when a user with the role “Subscriber” registers on your WordPress website, a custom property wp_user_roles_segment with value Subscriber will be assigned to the contact where wp_user_rolesis the source internal ID.


GetResponse integration uses tags for segmentation. Sadly, it does not support updating a subscriber’s email address when a user changes their account email address.


Sendy does not have an API endpoint to fetch custom fields. That is why the code snippet below is important to make custom fields in your Sendy email marketing software available for field mapping in FuseWP User Sync UI.

add_filter('fusewp_sendy_get_contact_fields', function ($fields, $list_id) {

    if ($list_id == 'RsdjIQ7LMgwSEPLFyPerwq') {
        $fields['OrderTotal'] = 'Order Total';
        $fields['OrderID'] = 'Order ID';

    return $fields;
}, 10, 2);

The above codes make the Order Total and Order ID custom fields available for field mapping. Don’t forget to change RsdjIQ7LMgwSEPLFyPerwq to the Sendy list ID the custom field belongs to.

Sendy custom fields

Below are the fields in the Field Mapping UI in FuseWP.

FuseWP Newsletter

Deals, Promotions and coupons are available only to subscribers

Invalid email address